Leituras [video], 2018-2023
Leituras [Readings] is a sort of hybrid work, which introduces a performative dimension related to the act of reading in silence and out loud, alone and in public, but also to the public, like a tour guide, a speaker, a coach, a mediator, an educator, or even a teacher, or a student – and also the lecturer, the presenter, the storyteller, the reader. He reads aloud and in public at the Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, a work by Antônio Francisco Lisboa – o Aleijadinho (1738-1814), in Congonhas, MG, one page a day of the text “O Aleijadinho and his national position” by Mário de Andrade (1893-1945), from 1928, while the first version of the book is displayed, opened on a different page each day until the end of the exhibition. As such, the act of reading that takes place in Leituras is always partial. Leituras dives into a beam of mutual relationships, whilst also talking of a syncope-based notion of history, or histories, as well as the impossibility of being there and here at the same time, at the exhibition space and the Bom Jesus de Matosinhos Santuary, having the public access to one page of the book a day, reading it at the exhibition or listening to it in open-air, in Congonhas, being recited by the reader.
Thiago Honório, May 2023.
Work Details
Leituras [Readings], 2018-2023
Daily public readings of the text “O Aleijadinho and his national position”, from 1928, by Mário de Andrade, held in Congonhas, MG, at the Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, corresponding to the pages of the book opened in the exhibition space during the period of exhibition.
Video, 60’
reading: Alencar Benedito Reis
video: Pedro Paixão Tavares
editing: Anna Bogaciovas
production: Adriano Reis Ramos,
Luciomar Sebastião de Jesus
assistant: Selene Alge
Leituras, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, SP, 2024